Monday, September 16, 2013

BumpDate: 33 Weeks

How far along: 33 WEEKS well on Friday…in 4 days 34 weeks?!?! Where is the time going!!! Our little poppy girl will be here so soon!!! 

 Feeling: I would love to write GREAT…in fact I think I have been writing great and fabulous EVERY single week… Have the Tables turned, maybe. I’m tired, it’s getting harder to move around, and I’m out of breath ALL the time. Like I ran up 3 flights of stairs when really I just walked into another room! If I’m laying down its easier for Ralph to extend a hand and pull me up then it is to maneuver myself up. Despite the new found tiredness and movability factor it really has still been great ;)

Maternity Clothes: Here and there…I bought some skirts from the gap that are cotton material and stretchy (I didn’t really like the “maternity” ones) and I do wear the maternity shirts I bought along with regular shirts…as long as the material has a little give, I think its wearable.

Sleep: Sleep is good…but I’ve been waking up at 2a.m. and staying awake until about 3. I wonder if this is my body’s way of getting me used to the new sleep schedule I will have…It really hasn’t been that bad. I am able to fall back to sleep and I’m not exhausted in the morning either, which is a plus!  

Best moment of the week? My Dad and Annie arrived on Sunday. It has been great visiting and they will be here for 4 weeks! It’s exciting that they are able to explore New England in the Fall!!! They live in Texas so it is certainly a change in weather and pace! Today we went to Babies R Us and they bought little So girl her High Chair!! I was so excited to get it home, it’s built and set up and I LOVE seeing it in the Dining room!! So surreal that we will be having family dinners in there soon!!! 
My Dad & I          

Movement: YES! And she had the hiccups for the 1st time last night (Sunday the 15th) at first I thought she was kicking but it turned into a rhythmic pattern in my lower stomach where her tiny squash is located and continued for 3-5 minutes. After Ralph and I did some googling we realized she had the hiccups.  

Food cravings: Nothing

Food aversions: 

Belly button in or out? In.

Rings off or on?: On.

Goals for Next Week: Try to relax…I have been a ball of nerves trying to get “All things Sophia” done and I really do have most of it done. It’s just scaring me that I’m huffing and puffing, nervous that I won’t be able to get stuff done the longer I wait!  

What I miss: Being able to run around doing errands (Really SHOPPING) without being beat! I went to the craft store, party store, and pet store and I had to go home after to take a nap!!! When I really want to finish out the day at the mall with my mom, I just knew my legs and feet were not having it! Although ralph did massage my legs that night, what a guy! ;)

What I'm looking forward to: I just turned to Ralph and asked him…because you all know what I’m looking forward to the most. I asked him, “what are you looking forward to in the coming weeks?” my heart just melted when he responds with the biggest grin on his face, “Just being a Daddy.” He can’t wait to snuggle this baby girl of ours!!! 

Milestones: I started the basement **Correction- My mom started the basement, THANKS MOMMY!! She really is the best! I’ve wanted to get the basement organized for weeks…well she started to tackle it and its already looking better. I also pulled out all the Summer flowers and I’m starting to get ready for fall!

Thoughts: In the Words of our favorite show HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 

Top Baby Blogs has done its yearly "Reset" so I need your Votes to get back in the top 20 :) Thank you ALL!!! 

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